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The Free Clinic


Frequently Asked Questions


How many patients does The Free Clinic serve each year?
Over 11,000 patients visit The Free Clinic each year, and the demand for services continues to grow.


What is the budget of The Free Clinic?
The Free Clinic operates on an annual budget of just $4.4 million.


Where does The Free Clinic get its funding?
Approximately 50% of The Free Clinic's funding is comprised of grants from community and family foundations.  Nearly 25% comes from individual donations, events, and corporate foundations.  The balance comes from state and federal funding sources.  For more information on how to become a supporter of The Free Clinic, visit our Donations page.


How many volunteers does The Free Clinic have, and what kind of work do they do?
Over 600 volunteers donate their time, talents, and skills to The Free Clinic each year.  The volunteer program is the cornerstone of The Free Clinic.  Volunteers contribute more than 37,000 hours of service each year, valued at $1.2 million!  Volunteers include doctors, nurses, midlevel practitioners, dentists, dental hygienists, psychiatrists, therapists, social workers, pharmacists, outreach educators, and a variety of lay level students, clerical workers, custodians, and more.  There's something for everyone!  Visit our Volunteers page to learn more about becoming part of our phenomenal volunteer corps.


Are all of The Free Clinic’s patients unemployed?
Not at all.  Approximately 40% of the patients who utilize The Free Clinic's service are employed.  Our patients are people who work one or more part-time jobs and do not qualify for health care coverage, or who work full-time jobs that do not provide adequate health care coverage or compensation for these people to afford the health care that they need.


What is a typical Free Clinic patient like?
There is no such thing as a “typical” patient. The Free Clinic provides a wide array of services, including general medical services, gynecological services through the women's clinic, medical treatment for teens through the Teen Clinic, and ongoing primary health care for sufferers of chronic conditions. In addition, a wide population seeks mental health and substance abuse treatment.


Is The Free Clinic really “free”?
Absolutely.  There are estimated to be over 145,000 uninsured adults in Cuyahoga County alone, and The Free Clinic exists to serve those who lack appropriate alternatives to health care.  There is no charge for any service, and there are no criteria to qualify to receive treatment at The Free Clinic.  We do ask that those individuals that have health insurance use it elsewhere unless they are seeking our confidential and anonymous HIV testing services.  That way, we remain accessible to those in greatest need.  Patient donations, in any amount, are accepted and greatly appreciated. 


Can I get involved with The Free Clinic?
Yes!  The Free Clinic is always looking for volunteers and financial supporters.  For more information, click on one of these links, or contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



Ankh The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland
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